Sunday, 26 July 2020

You Are A Good Mom!!

Yes you are. 
Not just one, there are so many reasons that you are a good mom. Did the society try to tell you otherwise?
Trust me you are a good mom.
* You woke up all those nights to just let your baby sleep well... You are a good mom.
* You made sure the little tummy was always full, despite missing out on your own meals... You are a good mom.
* Your little one always looked tidy and clean, no matter how messy your hair and clothes were... You are a good mom.
* You changed those diapers all the day long... You are a good mom.
* When your tiny human was sick, you were there to hold her tight.. You are a good mom.
* You always answered to the hundreds of questions she asked you every day... You are a good mom.
*You managed to handle your cute little baby as well as the work at home... You are a good mom. 
* You tried your best to care for your sweet little child when you yourself were not feeling great... You are a good mom. 
* You kissed every time your little angel had a boo boo... You are a good mom.
*You sacrificed your career for the beautiful soul, being selfless... You are a good mom.
* You did your best to teach your kid to be the best version of yourself... You are a good mom. 
* You had all the patience in the world to care for your child... You are a good mom. 
* Just trying your best at being a good mom.. makes you a good mom. 
Just incase no one had been telling you this.... You are a good mom!!

Tlismi Moti : All you need to know before giving it to your baby.

 Tlismi Moti or Teething Jewellery are not a good option for your baby as they do not do any good to the babies. FDA in 2018 banned the use ...